How To Make Money On Pinterest

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1. Follow your passion, build an audience and sell to them.

What are you passionate about? If people are spending money in an area you love, you can make money.
Let’s say you’re a fitness junkie. You love being fit, and staying fit. You choose a target audience: women in their twenties who want to be fit and attractive. Create a Pinterest account and boards that attract this audience.
Get followers to your boards, and create a mailing list. Some keen Pinterest users have a million followers and more. You don’t need that many followers to your account to sell to your audience. If you don’t know what to sell, don’t worry. Once you have a few thousand followers, marketers will approach you with offers.

2. Choose a company to promote, and ask for sponsorship.

Target a group, and build your Pinterest followers as we discussed above. Then select companies offering products that appeal to your audience. Staying with our “fitness” audience, you could approach companies that sell gym machines, or sports drinks.
Share your Pinterest account’s statistics with the companies you approach, and ask for sponsorship. Offer them a deal: they can use their branding on your account for a year  continue reading 
do video promotion through social ads

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