Hey guys this is going to be teaching you about passive income so what is passive income we mean a cash flow that gets deposited into your bank account PayPal or check that you get every month or week or whatever without having to do much after you set up the system.
you have to understand that it's not a sign up here and get $500 into account every month it's about the work now by leveraging your time knowledge and resources to earn freedom later.
So for example I spent probably an entire day working on the most viewed video on my channel and that video has earned me over $10,000 since it was posted so you could say I made my time worth around $1000 an hour and each day that number goes up.
There are many reasons to search and work for passive income but most of it is for freedom in the future, the point I'm trying to get across is that you're going to have to put in at least some work in the beginning, to put it into perspective I earned roughly a quarter an hour of my time for the first eight months of practical psychology but last month I didn't work at all and I still got a paycheck I'll show you how much I earned later on
Now you must understand the major difference between two types of content the first is called skyscraper and that is because the traffic the interest and also the money graph look like a skyscraper a whole bunch of views and traffic and money for a couple days and then it dies down to just a couple pennies an example of skyscraper content would be the presidential inauguration in 2017 it's not going to be something someone is searching for 30 to 40 years from now as much as they're going to be searching how to get more Instagram followers how to make more money or how do mosquitoes mate people will be asking questions like that for ages
The second type of content is called evergreen and just like the tree it stays fresh and valuable all year long for example my how to get more YouTube subscribers videos will get views and add value to lives for at least the next five years while my friends video of him doing a rare bottle flip won't just like the Harlem shake died down so will bottle flips and the next trends now you can make money with these kinds of trends but you have to be able to predict them and the downside is that the income won't be sustainable it'll be a lump sum evergreen content on the other hand brings you in money every day every every year for the rest of your life I'll talk a little bit on how to create evergreen content in a minute but if you want to know everything I know about it check out my ebook on Amazon so I recently wrote a Kindle eBook and published it on Amazon the first chapter is my failures and successes everything I've learned since I've tried to make money online from the young age of 13 years old my failed websites and the trade - the ones that were successful also what I learned from my first profitable youtube channel and it still earns me $60 a month and how I scaled it up to this channel you'll also learn how much I make through different ad platforms and affiliate services and how I got free stuff by emailing companies about influence or marketing
I'll be telling you my numbers from different companies and show you how you can do the same in this ebook you'll also learn about my YouTube algorithm tax I'll give you a short version of the best in a couple minutes here's how to get the e-book go to Amazon and search passive income and find this ebook it's written by a practical psychology so that's how you know it's mine to add to the merit of what I've earned I want to prove that I've earned over four thousand dollars in March and got over 60,000 subscribers and I didn't do anything to the channel in reality I was working really hard to have more uploads in April but in March I didn't upload a single video I hardly replied to any of the comments, I did read them but I didn't really do much input and my output stayed the same now like I said in reality I was working hard to have more uploads in April but I easily could have been on a beach in Rio
Another thing I want to talk about is 10 vis.com now this is a website where the creator his name is Luke Minh Khan he has created an Amazon affiliate site and has earned over five thousand dollars in the first four months and over forty thousand dollars in eight months so I figured I'd share his story here with you guys and show what's actually possible now the website is a list website where people search for terms like best wireless router or best wireless router 2017 and click on his site then when they click on his site they get a picture of a whole bunch of different routers and when they click on that picture then they're sent to the Amazon Web site so basically he is an affiliate marketer the trick here is to get your website to the top of search engines for high-volume search terms like best wireless router you know how many people search that a year how many people search that a day I bet he gets tons of traffic now this is where my analytical nature gets kind of horny and I have to sort through a whole bunch of data to find how I can simplify it and tell you guys what you guys need to know basically he wrote articles that were at least three four five thousand words long so it's super long content along with getting amazing backlinks from high authority websites and educational websites he actually hosted a $1000 scholarship and sent an email to a ton of universities and colleges to get a lot of dot edu which stands for educational websites to link to his scholarship page which was hosted on his ten Beast page
well google loves it when an educational website links to your site and eventually his website was viewed as very valuable in Google's eyes so this scholarship method was a great idea along with getting backlinks from BuzzFeed lifehack and reviews. org so try to post content that is super long and has references from other websites and that will get you to the top of search engines, but that's not all Google also likes it when users stay on a website do they stay for 30 seconds or do they read the full article for eight minutes they also love it when a user shares an article or page Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest pins all of these are trackable and Google uses them in the e-book I wrote.
I will teach you how to set up a simple WordPress website along with a few more SEO tips and tricks to boost your rankings
Now another person in the passive income field to look up to is Pat Flynn with his smart passive income website through a whole bunch of his channels and stuff that he does websites audiobooks podcasts he has made over 103 thousand dollars in February 2017 and he documented most of it with his niche and authority websites so he knows a ton about SEO and affiliate marketing and actually has a website and podcast dedicated to teaching you so I'm not going to talk much more about this you can go to him
We've been on this topic for too long so let's talk a little bit about YouTube now I'm going to give you some of the best YouTube tips I currently know without wasting much of your time because if you want to know everything I know go watch the over 10 minute long algorithm video in the playlist that I made or read the detailed chapter in my eBook so the first tip is to make better titles and thumbnails make them actually want to be clicked on with your friends show them two or three pictures or two or three titles and say which one would you click on first eventually you'll get the hang of creating clickbait images that are still relevant now clickbait is okay you have to create a thumbnail that grabs attention in the super noisy world but what's not okay is misleading people understand the difference and execute.
let's say I have two YouTube videos the first one is five minutes long and the other is fifty minutes long which one does YouTube like better? well it really depends on how much the average person watches if the first person watches an average of five minutes leading to a total of a hundred percent of the video viewed it will not do as well as the second video where the average viewer watches an average of ten minutes even though the percentage of the video watched is only twenty percent the second video held a viewers attention for twice the time and that's what YouTube really cares about it's the total time not the percentage
Another little tip I recently found out is to send them to a great Channel you'll know that they will binge watch and subscribe to your video will get the points for this but it also will not get a session in penalty now one of my best videos earned over three million views in a week simply because I recommended people to go watch improvement pill and other videos on his channel now this guy has some amazing content he just didn't have an audience and what I did is I sent people to his channel they binge watched a whole bunch of his video subscribed and and YouTube size that video the one that I sent them from look like a very profitable video in youtube size so they promoted it and recommended now to learn more about this and session penalties check out Derral Eve's hour-long video on channel growth in a playlist
Also I recently found out you can make semi passive income through Instagram just get up to around a hundred thousand followers and then you can do shoutouts for other people and they will pay you each shoutout could be from five dollars to a hundred dollars some people do five hundred dollar shoutouts actually a friend of mine earns over five thousand dollars each month just by managing an account that has over million followers now first I might seem like a lot of people like Wow one and a half million people but for a college student thousand dollars is a lot of money and it's worth the initial time he actually did this in under a year he started by spending some money on other accounts asking them to give him a shout-out but eventually he had enough of his own following that he started returning the favors he started getting money to give people shoutouts now every once in a while he'll give me a shout-out because I helped him with some of his YouTube videos and every time he shouts me out he gives me a little hey go check out this guy's profiles pretty cool I get at least 500 new Instagram followers shoutouts are the way to gain followers and to make money improvement pill actually had an interview with this guy and his process
Also now we are on to the list of 10 income generating asset ideas that you can set up now for a steady cash flow in the future keep in mind all of these are basic ideas and you have to add your own twist to them to make them stand out and for most of these it will help if you already have a following a group of people who are dedicated to the content that you make and I explain how to do this in the e-book the last two chapters are how to get a following and how to monetize a following either way as long as you are creating evergreen content that is worth reading watching or signing up you will grow your following
so the first one is affiliate marketing now this would be like Amazon Clickbank Commission Junction there's a whole bunch of them out there basically you send someone somewhere else to pay for something and you get a commission of that from 3% to 7% I've seen all the way up to 80% it's pretty easy you just have to recommend great products that will sell themselves that's the trick
number two is digital products so I experimented a little bit with this, you can actually make money by selling high-quality backgrounds templates songs some people are actually willing to pay $20 to get my background music isn't that pretty awesome if I could do that a hundred times there's two grand right there tip number three
is YouTube views now YouTube views takes a little bit of setup and the algorithm is a little you have to understand it for this to work but there will always be that knowledge curve in order to make passive income you have to know a little bit about the situation that you're going to be putting yourself in for YouTube you could go into gaming for evergreen content on gaming people don't watch gaming for the games for evergreen content they watch for the personality of the guy that is playing the game or girl that is playing the games other YouTube videos would be how to these are usually ever evergreen you know how to replace a tire on this car how to change oil how to tie a tie also makeup makeup is pretty evergreen but most of these are also already saturated so you have to find a niche that is not already saturated and fill that fill that gap where people are searching for stuff but there isn't much content idea number four is website ad revenue
now you can set up a WordPress website I explain how to in the e-book and fill it with banner ads or Adsense or affiliate links.
number five is a book so that you can sell on Kindle I'm actually going to report how much I have earned from this ebook I recommend to buy this ebook this is the best way that you can give back to me and leave a review because I am super interested in the review of something that I have written I have never written an e-book like this before and I would love reviews they helped me out so much know where I can improve what I shouldn't do and where I can go from the future to make better content for you guys.
number six is Instagram shoutouts so we mentioned this before and there's actually a lot more to it
number seven is a social media agency now this is semi passive because you still have to produce content for other companies but basically you do Facebook ads for local companies as long as you know how to do it right you can become a Thai Lopez minion and sign up for his course now I dog on him but he really does have a lot of great advice just not everyone will be able to become a social media agency gazillionaire.
tip number eight is subscription box service now this one is a little bit you have to take some time to set it up you will have to hire people or set up drop shipping there's a little bit more legal stuff in here because you're actually paying for a service or a product and I'll explain a little bit more of this in my book.
number nine is online courses on udemy or other various sign up for a course website basically you spend a weekend creating how to play a guitar or how to make youtube videos or how to solve a Rubik's Cube and then you put it on you to me people pay for that $20 $30 $100 and every time they pay for that you get a percentage now it only took that weekend to do it and but for the rest of your life you will be making money now the last one is patreon and patreon works best if your content isn't very monetizable but you have a large or a very dedicated small fan base that is willing to give you money so you can keep creating the content that you are creating
Also if you want another 10 ideas check out this video by Roberto Blake about passive income online don't forget to search passive income on Amazon and buy my book and then leave a review of it if it was helpful because reviews are super helpful to me and future readers it's the only way that I can improve I hope I added value to your life